Garou changing breeds
Garou changing breeds

garou changing breeds

You gain reputation in werewolf society through your actions, measured as renown for Glory, Honor, and Wisdom. Rank is a socially earned, in-character statistic that comes with bunch of mechanical benefits. Rank has a lot of mechanical benefits, and can be used as a way to measure the relative strength of a werewolf in the same manner as the generation statistic of a vampire. Werewolves have a Rank, a character level system alongside Whitewolf's entirely point buy experience system. Each of these has their stereotypes, and even characters that deviate from the norms usually stay fairly similar to what you'd expect, though that's partly the fault of the players rather than the writers. Thus the games title Werewolf: The Apocalypse.Įach character can be described fairly quickly with their Breed, Auspice, and Tribe, with the latter two roughly equivalent to class and race. Some of these being have managed to get into situations of power both politically and economically (a major corporation by the name of Pentex features heavily in many of the games resource manuals.) In short, Gaia is dying and the Garou, aka the players, are fighting a losing battle to save her. The Garou are still fighting to protect Gaia while at the same time their race is dwindling and a rise of corrupted humans (Fomori), twisted and corrupted werewolves (Black Spiral Dancers), evil spirits (Banes) and more are trying to destroy the world and wipe out what's left of the changing breeds. Moving from the past and to the present day. The War of Rage, the infighting of the shape-shifters, is one of the things that saved humanity from extinction, there weren't enough left to completely wipe humans out. The Kitsuni for instance chose not to participate in this slaughter of humanity and thus do no cause the Delirium that seeing others like the Garou causes. This was done along side what is known as the Impergium, a genocidal "mass culling" of humans so extensive that even now, humans have an instinctive fear of those involved. Even those that do maintain some form of a relationship like the Corax, do so with trepidation and one eye on an escape route. The War of Rage caused the death of many different races of shape-shifters, to the point that most are forgotten completely and those that survive are thought to be just a legend.

garou changing breeds

Many died off either over time or, more likely, during the War of Rage which was caused by arrogant Garou who slaughtered other shape-shifters they felt were either not doing their jobs well enough or were impure. Each of these Changing Breeds, or Fera, were created with a role in mind. The corruption from the Wyrm was causing the spirit Gaia pain and from its tears came the werecreatures. She is the earth mother, the source of life and in the game, is generally the name for everything "Good" or "Pure". One of the many creations of the Wyld was Gaia, a Celestine spirit with Godlike power. The Wyrm, now unable to destroy and maintain the balance started instead to cause corruption so you ended up with chemicals that cause cancer, radiation poisoning etc. In the Weaver's attempt to keep its structures from falling part, it inspired things like concrete, plastic, etc which lasted far longer.

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The Wyrm would eventually cause these materials to decay and eventually fall and thus free up the existence that was the mud hut, where it can be filled again by the Wyld.

garou changing breeds

The Weaver would be the force that inspired man to use these materials in a way that created a hut from this assortment, thus giving them purpose and structure. The mud, sticks, straw etc would be the raw creations of the Wyld. An example of the Triat's cycle of life would be a mud hut. The Wyrm, in its insanity, started to cause corruption and change and started to fall away from its primal role. In an attempt to save its creations, the Weaver tried to stop the Wyrm by imprisoning the Wyrm in a cage that was constantly being built, so no matter what the Wyrm destroyed, it was replaced just as quickly. This cycle of creation, form and destruction eventually caused the Weaver to go mad as it saw its creations constantly being destroyed, and being a force of order and form this was counter to its very nature. There was the Weaver which gave form and reason to the raw creations of the Wyld and last there is the Wyrm, a force of destruction and renewal. There was the Wyld, the force of raw creation but chaotic and without reason or structure. In the beginning there were three aspects of the universe, known as the Triat.

  • 9 End of the World as We Know It, Or, the Titular Apocalypse in Action.
  • 8.1 Subsidiaries: the Many Faces of the Wyrm.

  • Garou changing breeds